Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The everyday...

I'm sitting in my living room listening to the tropical rain falling outside my window. My roommate is sitting on the opposite couch from me studying for her CPA certification. The sound of laughter echoes from my other roommate's bedroom. We look up from our books to make a joke or gripe about our tasks. She takes random breaks to smoke a cigarette, which I accompany her on - not because I smoke but because I love the chats we have out on our front stoop. I learn so much about my friends while doing nothing. I'm amazed everyday. It's amazing to see where someone came from, and to know where they are heading and to analyze the contrast. To look at this successful woman who has more drive than anyone I know, it is proposterous to think that she had a juvenile arrest report, yet she does. I love people with a history. It gives them character.

This all hangs in a delicate balance. I know that in one year I will move on from this place and this beautiful chapter in my life will be just another page in my scrapbook. Random cigarette breaks, Rockband in the living room, and the goldfish tank on the corner will be but distant memories somewhere in the future. I want to pause time and hold onto these minutes before they pass me by. It is these moments that I love to look back on - not just the big stuff of vacations and weddings and such. The things I love to remember most are the small details of the everyday occurrences that make my life wonderful. The humidity in the air, the feel of the cheap suede futon cover I'm sitting on, the cooling feel of the tile on my feet, and the low hum of the ceiling fan will be my favorite memories of this place. Right here in this moment I am happy.

1 comment:

Connie said...

I'm happy you are happy. I'm happy you found light in the moment. I'm happy you wrote about this. Wishing you many more happy days!