Tuesday, May 4, 2010

A Kiss on the Cheek

I know I have mentioned my grandmother a lot in this blog. With my graduation fast approaching I have been thinking about her a lot more than usual. Yesterday, however I had an amazing experience, and I just had to write about it.

I came home from a friend's house, visibly frazzled and a little upset. I was kind of shocked by the news I had just received... I came home and asked my friend Sam to come over for a while to keep me company so I could occupy mind long enough to finish my homework. It's finals week, and in true me Fashion, I have put off my projects all semester so this last week or so leaves me exhausted, staying up all night scrambling to finish projects, and returns me to a caffeine and nicotine addiction that I left behind about 6 years ago (Just for the week... I quit again on Friday lol).

So I didn't want to talk about my situation to anyone, and I still don't but I just felt an anxiety I hadn't felt for a long time - a range of emotions from hurt, excited, upset, and angry all rolled into one. I couldn't focus on my tasks and I couldn't seem to eat anything other than coca cola and cigarettes. Eventually this lead to a massive headache, and I had to go lie down on the couch for a while.

Sam was still sitting in my kitchen - nowhere near me, and I lay down on my love seat. I was in the process of falling asleep, in that state where you are halfway there but still aware of your surroundings, when I felt it. It felt as though someone lightly brushed the hair back from my forehead and then gave me a very light kiss on the cheek. I opened my eyes confused, but no one was there. All of a sudden, though, it felt as if all those feelings and anxiety had drifted away. I felt so calm and so at peace. I was able to get up feeling 10x better about everything. I still feel better...

I don't know what everyone else believes in, but I know what I felt, and I really think My Mommom watches over me. I have been missing her a lot lately, and as crazy as it sounds, I think that she came to visit me yesterday. She was the only person in the world who has ever been able to calm me like that with just her presence, and it is a feeling I have not had in almost 3 years. The familiarity of it blew me away even more than the action itself. It felt like coming home. I have always believed that someone looks after me, but every once in a while, when I feel like I'm at my worst, it is an indescribable feeling to be reminded that I am not alone -that even in death, I still have her love.


Tyhitia Green said...

Awesome. I believe that loved ones do come back to see us.

Continue to do well. I'm proud of ya. ;-)

outdoor.mom said...

gosh, i don't know. i would think maybe it was Jesus. i always feel peace when i feel the presence of God.